For years on the public platform I would announce that we all have a story, but naturally our imagination is unable in most cases to capture the pain and dynamic’s of the other person’s journey.

I promise you’ll be touched as I have been by Craig Phillips, sharing his life story reminiscing about a family accident when their Volkswagen Beetle was hit by an oncoming Cadillac. From resting captive in a three-week coma in preparation for when he would wake up to his new battle of survival. He fought all probabilities to ultimately having a second chance to live. With this episode you’ll learn about how a ten-year-old boy fought and began a new life enduring and concurring the unthinkable.

This VW photo is not the actual car, but a visual to support our imagination of how the accident might appear.

Craig Phillips is wonderfully amazing who deserves the opportunity to share with everyone, especially those who possibly are feeling sorry for themselves of have a rough beginning. Please share this episode with all of your friends and family as expression of encouragement and unconditional love.

If you are considering having a speaker, click here to connect with my dear friend Mr. Craig Phillips, Founder of Second Chance To Live

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